Fabric Cleaning Code Breaking

Cleaning codes can be confusing when you're slecting fabrics for your chair, sofa, sectional, etc. Most fabrics will have a cleaning code on the back of them or listed on the fabric company website.

Cleaning Codes:

W - (Water) Clean only with water, a mild detergent, or a water-based upholstery shampoo. Do not over wet. Do not use solvents to spot clean. Always do a small test application in an inconspicuous spot before applying to a visible area.

WS or SW - (Water/Solvent) Spot clean with an upholstery shampoo, a mild detergent, or mild dry cleaning solvent. Do not saturate with liquid. You may also have this dry cleaned by a professional upholstery cleaning company (not where you take your clothing). Upholstery fabric is backed so a clothing dry cleaner can ruin the fabric. Always do a small test application in an inconspicuous spot before applying to a visible area.

S - (Solvent) Dry Clean Only. Do not use water. Cushion covers should not be removed and dry cleaned. Call a professional upholstery cleaning company (not where you take your clothing) to come to your home or take your cushion to them to treat stains.

The Jessie

The Jessie

Rosie Meyer